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Campsomeriella thoracica (Fabricius, 1787)


  • Scolia thoracica Fabricius, 1787
  • Scolia sericea Klug, 1805
  • Scolia vestita Klug, 1832
  • Scolia eryophora Klug, 1832
  • Campsomeris senilis eriophora Klug, 1832
  • Scolia discolor Klug, 1832
  • Campsomeris ruficollis Lepeletier, 1845
  • Colpa ferruginea Lepeletier, 1845
  • Elis eriophora sensu Saussure & Sichel, 1864
  • Campsomeris thoracica eriophora Khalof, 1958

FotoID: 4140
Species: Campsomeriella thoracica (Fabricius, 1787)
Photographer: Marcello Romano
Location: Palermo/Sicily, June 2008

FotoID: 4473
Species: Campsomeriella thoracica (Fabricius, 1787)
Photographer: Cor Zonneveld
Location: S Fethiye, Patara Beach, 2009

FotoID: 4472
Species: Campsomeriella thoracica (Fabricius, 1787)
Photographer: Cor Zonneveld
Location: S Fethiye, Patara Beach, 2009

FotoID: 4056
Species: Campsomeriella thoracica (Fabricius, 1787)
Photographer: Herwig Riepl
Location: 2008

FotoID: 4055
Species: Campsomeriella thoracica (Fabricius, 1787)
Photographer: Herwig Riepl
Location: 2008

FotoID: 4139
Species: Campsomeriella thoracica (Fabricius, 1787)
Photographer: Marcello Romano
Location: Palermo/Sicily, June 2008


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